My Story, My Passion
I was born & raised in Wilmington, Delaware. Following my father's footsteps, I joined the US Army and ended up serving 24 years, retiring in 2015. My awards include 3 Bronze Star Medals, 2 Meritorious Service Medals, and the Combat Action Badge. Upon my retirement in 2015, I began my journey to the truth full time. I quickly realized history as it is represented in the history books was a lie. I also realized that myself, my brothers & sisters I served with were pawns in a much bigger game. We as citizens of this country MUST ensure that our service members are only used in defense of this country. NO MORE BANKER WARS! We must hold all those involved in the theft of our freedom's accountable if we ever want to go back to having any semblance of a free country. Thank you all for your continued support over the years, it means the world to me! God bless you all!
George Hobbs
"The Fact Hunter"

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